K9 Scout is a German Shepherd partnered with with his handler, Officer Chris Thompson. Active until 2020 Scout worked patrol and narcotics detection.

Scout was born July 12, 2015 and was partnered with Officer Chris Thompson in September 2016. Scout is a male, 70lb, Black German Shepherd from Slovakia and was cross trained for patrol work and narcotic detection.
Scout has the ability to detect methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. He is an extremely energetic and athletic dog who loves to work and play. When he is “off duty” Scout is a family dog who resides with his handler.
Officer Thompson started his career with the Livermore Police Department (LPD) in November 2007 as a Police Cadet. August 2008, LPD sent Thompson to the Alameda County Police Academy for training. Officer Thompson graduated the Policy Academy in March 2009 and received several awards for his performance including “Top Recruit.” Officer Thompson worked as a been a K9 handler from March 2013 through September 2020.